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Friday, August 19, 2011

Nalco EOI; Expression Of Interest for Investing in Proposed Alumimium Park at Angul, Orissa

Invitation No. IDCO:HO:S&P/170/Part I/14751 dated 25.07.2011

Project Background:

To promote Aluminium specific downstream and ancillary units in the State, Orissa Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation (IDCO) - the State level nodal agency entrusted and empowered to develop infrastructure for industries and NALCO have incorporated a Company ‘Angul Aluminium Park Private Limited’ (AAPPL) for setting up an Aluminium Park adjacent to the existing smelter plant of NALCO in Angul District on a site of about 450 acres.(the ‘Project’). The Project would be the first of its kind in the sub continent with necessary infrastructure support and facility for directly receiving molten aluminium as well as aluminium in conventional solid forms from the adjoining smelter plant of NALCO for use by the downstream units. 

Invitation for Expression of Interest

AAPPL invites Expression of Interests (EOIs) from Entrepreneurs /Investors/Manufacturers (singly/in consortium )  related with the aluminium/metal sector and incorporated under applicable Laws in India who posses the minimum requirement mentioned herein below (the interested parties) to submit their proposal, to invest and set up their units within the Project area.

Minimum Requirement to Participate in the EOI

AAPPL shall accept & consider EOIs from  only those Interested Parties which meet the following minimum requirements:

a) Financial Requirement - Minimum net-worth of Rs  10  ( Ten) Millions  as on March 31, 2011; and

b) Experience Requirement- Interested Parties should have experience in producing either downstream products based on aluminium or materials required for production of aluminium.

Intersted parties applying as consortium shall be required to fulfill conditions stipulated in Part II, Paragraph 3 of the EOI document

Project Brief Meeting

A Project Brief Meeting shall be convened for the interested parties at  16:00 hours (IST) on August 17, 2011 at the IDCO Conference Hall. 

EOI Submission – Date and Time

Invitation to EOI documents including formats could be downloaded from and  and the completed EOI documents shall be submitted as per prescribed formats clearly super scribing the envelope “ EOI for Participating in the proposed Aluminium Park at Angul” on or before 17: 00 hours (IST) on September 20, 2011. 

Contact Details

The EOI should be addressed & submitted to
 Director, Angul Aluminium Company Pvt. Ltd 
IDCO Towers, Janpath
Bhubaneswar -751022 
Phone  :   +91 674 -2542 869, 2540 820
Fax  :  +91 674- 2542 956, 2540 749
Email   :
8.2. For more details, please contact :
Mr Abhishek Mukherjee
Mobile No   :  +91 99370 52635, 

The invitation and/ or acceptance of EOI by AAPPL does not imply that the AAPPL/ IDCO is bound to select Interested Parties for setting up their units in the proposed Aluminium Park or to allot land within the site or otherwise.

Additionally, AAPPL reserves the right to reject any or all EOIs received without assigning any reason whatsoever.
 Source: Internet

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