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Friday, August 12, 2011

Responsive Sutip Limited Notice Inviting Tender for 5 MW Solar PV Power Project

Tender No.: 201108/Gujrat -5 dated 12.08.2011

M/s Responsive Sutip Limited (Owner) has invited reputed EPC contractor (Bidder) from across the globe to submit their Expression of Interest (EOI) for Design, Engineering, Manufacturing, Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning on EPC basis under International Competitive Bidding (ICB) Process for 5 MW Solar PV Power Project in State of Gujarat in Western Region of India.

Pre Qualification Criteria – (EOI must accompany the supporting): Technical Eligibility

1. The bidder should have engineered, Supplied and commissioned at least one project of grid connected solar PV Plant of 5 MW or above using thin film or crystalline silicon PV modules in India which is in successful operation, as on date of bid submission


2. The bidder is an EPC contractor that has at least two projects under execution, which has also been financially closed with project cost of Rs 1,000 crore each in core sector on the date of bid submission. For the purpose of this clause “core sector” would have deemed to include power, telcom, posts, airports, railway, metro rail, industrial parks/ estates, logistic parks, pipeline, irrigation, water supply, sewage and real estate development.

Financial Eligibility:

a) The annual turnover of bidder should be equal to or more than Rs. 200, 00, 00, 000/- (Rs. Two Hundred Crore) OR

b) The form a consortium / joint venture with any organization, then the annual turnover of the bidder and his partners shall be equal to or more than Rs. 200, 00, 00, 000/- (Rs. Two Hundred Crore) OR

c) Net worth of bidder should be positive for the last year, and the average net worth of the bidder in last three year should be equal to or more than Rs Rs. 50, 00, 00, 000/- (Rs. Fifty Crore)

Net worth of bidder shold be calculated as (Equity + Reserves) – (Revaluation Reserves + Intangible Assets + Miscellaneous expenses to the extent of not written off + carried forward losses)

The EOI shall accompany with D/D of Rs 10,000/- in favour of owner payable at New Delhi as a cost towards request for proposal (RFQ).

The last date of receiving the EOI is 18th August 201, RFQ documents would be issued to those meeting the PQ criteria upon receipt of formal request upto 22nd August 2011

1. The owner have the option of providing the solar PV modules and PCU as free issue

2. Owner reserves the right to award the project as composite contract for all the separate scopes of works or under multiple contracts for the separate scope of works

3. Owner decision shall be final and binding and no claims / representations in this regard shall be entertained.

4. The power project is being awarded under ICB guidelines and is therefore entitled for benefits of Deemed Export under para 8.2 (g) of Foreign Trade Policy 2009-14. The benefits shall be on account of Owner. The bidder shall provide suitable Desclaimer certificate in favour of Owner and shall also provide all duty paying documents ( both custom and excise) and any other document required as per the Foreign Policy of Govt of India (Ref. Hnadbook of procedure 2009-14)

All communications shall be addressed to CRISIL risk and Infrastructure solution limited (bid process manager for tender):

Atishay Jain,  CRISIL risk and Infrastructure solution limited
The Mira, G1, 1st Floor, Plot No. 1 & 2, Ishwar Nagar, New Delhi -110065, India
Fax: +91 11 26842213, email :

Source:ET 12082011

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