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Monday, June 11, 2012

Tanzanial Electrical Mechanical & Electronics Services Agency Tender for supply of Electrical, Mechanical and Electronics Toos for Njombe, Geita, Simiyu and Katavi

Tanzanial Electrical Mechanical & Electronics Services Agency Tender for supply of Electrical, Mechanical and Electronics Toos for Njombe, Geita, Simiyu and Katavi

Procuring Entity - Code number
Tanzania Electrical Mechanical & Electronics Services Agency - AE/006

Tender Number - Tender Category
AE/006/2011-12/HQ/G/122 - Goods

Tender Description
Supply of Electrical, Mechanical and Electronics Tools for Njombe, Geita, Simiyu and Katavi
Lot #

Supply of Electrical, Mechanical and Electronics Tools for Njombe, Geita, Simiyu and Katavi

Source of Fund

Eligible Firms
National and International

Method of Procurement
International competitive Method

Price of Bid Document

Contact Address
The Secretary TB, Tanzania Electrical, Mechanical and Electronics Services Agency, P.O. Box 70704, D

Deadline (Date , Time)
22-June-2012 , 10:00:00 hrs

 Source: Internet

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